Solving the Bitcoin write problem


December 22, 2022
Last week was a big one for the Stacks ecosystem. On Wednesday, two new whitepapers were released detailing how to solve a longstanding roadblock for Bitcoin builders and an important proposed Stacks upgrade. On Friday, Stacks 2.1 was officially approved by the community after record-breaking voter turnout. Below is a quick intro for each whitepaper and links to read the full PDFs as well as additional resources and reading. -The Stacks Foundation team P.S. Keep scrolling to check out the newly-launched Stacks swag shop ! sBTC : This paper discusses a trustless two-way Bitcoin peg system: sBTC. This peg system can help us fulfill the rest of the original vision of Stacks by enabling trustless writing to Bitcoin. Stacks 2.0 brought Clarity and the ‘read’ access; sBTC is the remaining missing ‘write’ piece for a fully expressive Bitcoin layer that can unlock hundreds of billions in Bitcoin capital. sBTC Whitepaper Stacks Whitepaper: The Nakamoto Release with a Trustless Bitcoin Peg. This paper describes changes to the Stacks Bitcoin layer needed to enable the trustless functioning of the newly proposed sBTC asset described in the first paper as well as faster block times and other improvements. Stacks Whitepaper More reactions and recaps from the community: NEW: we’re releasing two papers that enable trustless movement of BTC in/out of Bitcoin layers; unlocking the full potential of Bitcoin in DeFi & web apps. A trustless two-way Bitcoin peg has been a holy grail problem for a decade. More details👇 — muneeb.btc (@muneeb) Dec 14, 2022 1/ The long awaited $sBTC whitepaper just dropped. Nothing can beat a firsthand read of the paper yourself, but having read through the whole thing, here are a few key takeaways and topics to focus on: — mattyTokenomics (@mattyTokenomics) Dec 14, 2022 Why new builders will see sBTC as the first opportunity to start building on #Bitcoin ⭐️ Watch #Stacks Founder @muneeb explain the value of sBTC and why you need to have #Bitcoin layers Explore the sBTC Whitepaper 👉 — stacks.btc (@Stacks) Dec 21, 2022 In celebration of 2.1 … …check out the newly launched Stacks Shop and get 21% off everything through midnight on Monday. Stickers, socks, hoodies, backpacks, tees, and more. Stacks has you covered. Connect and learn more Head over to the sBTC landing page Check out the sBTC overview deck here Read our blog post on the whitepapers here Read more from the Hiro team here Non-Custodial BTC on Stacks Working Group #469 GTM non-custodial BTC Working Group #465 Publish on beehiiv


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